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Gleanster Research reports that as much as 34% of average-performing B2B and B2C companies feel that their current marketing processes won't be able to scale up and meet their marketing challenges in the next 1 to 3 years.

Outsourcing Solutions that Drive
Successful Businesses


Let’s face it, we all know that the sales and marketing departments don’t always have the easiest time working together. Too often, blame is cast in both directions. The sales division feels that marketing isn’t providing them with quality leads that they can convert, while the marketing department feels that sales isn’t properly converting the leads they produce for them. To produce successful results, these two departments MUST be working together, in unison, to produce the best possible results for both departments, and ultimately the financial health of the organization.

5 Benefits of Outsourced Marketing

 1. Lower cost and risks - Having an experienced and reliable outsourced team mitigates the risk of marketing inefficiencies, and greatly decreases the cost impact of hiring and retaining a marketing employee or staff.

2. Time savings - Having a professional marketing team operating at the peak of efficiency seriously reduces the time involved in seeing results, and allows the subscribing company's team members to focus on what they do best: Deliver their best products and services.

3. Stability - In an increasingly competitive economy, resident marketing talent is easily recruited by the competition, particularly the “rock stars” whose departure could leave your organization very destabilized.

4. Employee growth - When executed properly, outsourcing can be used as a valuable delivery mechanism for teaching your employees how to undertake tasks for themselves and how to use the systems which are built, in order to enhance marketing competencies.

5. Profitability - An experienced outsource team drives your approach each and every day with deliberate intentions and strategies, which will improve your company's efficiencies and work flow. This approach will increase your profitability by default.

If you need more of a nudge, check out Quickbook's employee carrying cost calculator

Adopting a strategy of outsourced marketing may or may not be the right move for every company, but it is well worth investigating. If you'd like to learn if outsourcing is a good fit for your company, please schedule your FREE consultation today.

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